Gireesh | గిరీష్ | गिरीश्

I am currently a research intern at PKU EPIC Lab and Galbot advised by Prof. He Wang.

Previously I worked as a research assistant at IIIT Hyderabad, advised by Prof. K Madhava Krishna. Prior to joining RRC, I graduated from BITS Pilani with a B.E. in Electronics and Instrumentation advised by Prof. Paresh Saxena. During this time, I was also fortunate enough to be advised by Prof. Pengtao Xie as a remote research intern.

I am seeking academic (PhD) and industrial positions starting Fall 2024. Please reach out if you think I could be a good fit!

Google Scholar | Github | Twitter | CV (Oct. 2023)


The goal of my research is to deploy robots, or embodied AI agents more broadly, in various non-factory real-world settings to perform diverse tasks. To that end, I am interested in:

  • Passive Internet Data: How do we make use of broad sources of passive data that exist on the web, like videos of humans and natural language to enable more effective learning in our robots?
  • Real-world Robotic Data: How do we design self-supervised RL policies that can consume such broad data (Open X-Embodiment), which may come from non-experts and lack reward labels, and from it learn to reach unseen goals.
  • Simulated Robotic Data: Instead of relying solely on real-world experience, can we gather experience by simulating robot interactions in virtual environments?


GAMMA got accepted to ICRA 2024!
Submitted our work GAMMA to ICRA 2024.
Relocated to Beijing and started working as an intern advised by Prof. He Wang.
One paper accepted at ICRA 2023

Two papers accepted at CASE 2022


(* indicates equal contribution)



  • Journal Reviewer: IEEE RA-L